Knowledge Base

Mastering Flow Mobile

Software by The King Brothers 🔥

If you forget your password used to log into the Flow Mobile Surveying dashboard or app you can reset it using the Forgotten Password link.

Resetting your password from the Dashboard

1. Navigate to the Dashboard.

2. Logout if you're already logged in.

3. On the Login Form, click Forgotten Your Password.

4. Enter the email address used to login.

5. Click Send Password Reset Email.

6. Open your email app.

Note: The Password Reset Email can take a few minutes. Check your spam folder, too.

7. Click the link in the Password Reset Email.

8. Enter a new password.

9. Click Save.

10. A confirmation message will appear saying "Password changed".

11. Navigate to the Dashboard and log in with your email address and new password.

Resetting your password from the Mobile App

1. Open the mobile app.

2. Logout if you're already logged in.

3. Tap Forgotten Password.

4. Enter the email address used to log in.

5. Tap Reset Password.

6. Open your email app.

7. Click the link in the Password Reset Email.

8. Enter a new Password.

9. Click Save.

10. A confirmation message will appear saying "Password changed".

11. Re-open the mobile app and log in with your email address and new password.